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Senior Leadership Heading link

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Who we are, what we do, and how we can help you meet your communications goals.

How Community Relations serves UIC:

UIC at the 2019 Bud Billiken Parade
  • Maintains and cultivates community partnerships
  • Promotes local and regional economic development
  • Coordinates business engagement
  • Faculty expert facilitation for external constituents
  • Special programs and initiatives
  • Community calendar
  • Community newsletter
  • Advising senior leadership on community issues

To partner with Community Relations, email

How Digital Communications serves UIC

RED multisite screenshot

We provide guidance on website topics such as:

  • Creating accessible sites
  • Technical specifications for UIC websites
  • Usability testing
  • Project checklists
  • Information architecture
  • User experience
  • Content strategy

To reach the Office of Digital Communications, send an email to

The Office of Digital Communications—in collaboration with ACCC—manage the RED WordPress multisite.

How Government Relations serves UIC

UIC Lobby Day 2018
  • Builds support for bills, amendments, and ordinances in the Illinois General Assembly, Chicago City Council, and Cook County Board of Commissioners
  • Monitors UI and UIC legislation in the Illinois General Assembly, Chicago City Council, and Cook County Board of Commissioners and providing updates to UIC leadership, colleges and units
  • Builds support and advocates for UIC budget-related line items in Springfield
  • Engages legislative caucuses within city, state, federal government
  • Collaborates with government agencies on higher education initiatives

To connect with Government Relations, email

How Marketing and Brand Managment serves UIC

New brochure design for LARES

We provide resources and guidance to help ensure that the institution’s marketing and communications initiatives are aligned with the university’s brand and identity. Maintaining consistency in messaging and design across the university reinforces the UIC brand overall.


  • University licensing and filming programs
  • Style guide including logos and templates for PPT and stationery
  • Photo and video gallery
  • Marketing consultation including development of marketing and communications plans, design of print collateral, development of messaging
  • Campus banner reservations
  • Branding and text treatment design

How Public Affairs serves UIC

UIC today screenshot