Academic and Residential Building (ARC) Social Media
June-July 2019
PGA created and implemented an extensive social media campaign to publicize the July 18 ribbon-cutting for the new ARC building.
Social media points of pride Heading link
429 news outlets ran articles with headlines referencing the Academic and Residential Building
2,446 views Twitter top post: ARC time-lapse video
Social media campaign for ARC ribbon-cutting Heading link
- Twitter campaign leading up to opening event – created facts about the building i.e. sustainability/green roof, its students, used time-lapse video
- Used hashtags: #LiveUIC #UIC @UIClife @UICHousing @americancampus
- Asked Communicators Council to help push and share on social media
- Worked with Creative and Digital to produce a short video featuring students and professors who would be living and working in the building
Day of event media:
- Began promoting the new Academic and Residential Complex with the media in Jan. 2018 when we broke ground.
- Between Jan. 1, 2018 to Friday, (July 19) a total of 429 news outlets ran articles with headlines referencing the Academic and Residential Building
- 286 between Jan. 1, 2018-July 18, 2018 and 143 between July 19, 2018-July 19, 2019